

Welcome to the Festival’s Press Area, where you will find not only all the details concerning your visit to the Festival, but also the following documents: press kits, press releases, accreditation form.

Press reception

To attend the Festival, journalists must be accredited: on request, the press service will provide the list of concerts to which they will be invited and will issue an accreditation card for the chosen concert(s). This card, together with the festival programme book, will be given to them by the Press Office on the day of their arrival.

Non-journalist photographers will also be specifically accredited on request. Please bring equipment adapted to a concert situation (soundproof covers). The Press Office will indicate the possible positions for taking photos. The official Festival photographer has priority.

Interviews – Photos – Visits

The press office will organise appointments with performers, personalities or for any interviews that journalists request with the necessary advance notice. During the Festival, press briefings are organised for journalists in the presence of performers and partners. The official photographer for the Festival can provide photos/reports: contact via the Press Office. Heritage tours, exhibitions and other tourist events can be scheduled with the local tourist offices.

Press contacts

National Press : Florence Petros (florencepetros@gmail.com)
Regional and local press: Agnès Souche, PR officer (agnes.souche@chaise-dieu.com


Dossier de Presse


Press pack

Review of the Festival

Press cuttings (extracts)